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[KiuERP - English Training] Getting Started with KiuERP
Please find links to other tutorial videos here:
How to create a new contact: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeIZER2ilDo&list=PLdNEZQSX27Xr0_LfEL3BV7GRf8iV6BOsZ&index=2
How to import contacts from a list: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiT_OgfXbWw&index=3&list=PLdNEZQSX27Xr0_LfEL3BV7GRf8iV6BOsZ
How to use Purchase module: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHMzKwD8_O4&index=4&list=PLdNEZQSX27Xr0_LfEL3BV7GRf8iV6BOsZ
Purchases and Sales Module: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZIzZadaeZI&index=5&list=PLdNEZQSX27Xr0_LfEL3BV7GRf8iV6BOsZ
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